Facilities and property management is a complex field with countless challenges. Facilities managers (FMs) and property managers (PMs) are constantly working to boost efficiency and streamline operations across their businesses. But without software, managing a large property portfolio is near impossible.

So, what is the ultimate secret to success in facilities management? The power of people, coupled with modern technology, is the key to ensuring your facilities management company is profitable and effective. Elogs strikes the perfect balance by providing advanced technological FM solutions while retaining the human element with a 24-hour service desk and account management support.

The question is: what problem are we solving? In this article, we’ll spill all the trade secrets, telling you exactly what challenges our clients face and what property management solutions they implement to overcome them.

What are the common issues our clients face?

Being an FM or a PM is no easy task. Facilities managers juggle many responsibilities, from budgeting and sourcing trustworthy service providers to maintaining compliance and engaging with tenants and stakeholders. So, as you can imagine, our clients have a lot on their plate. This means that finding the right solutions to overcome their everyday issues is of the utmost importance.


With many of our clients having hundreds of sites across the UK, effective communication can be tricky. Before using Elogs’ technological solutions, some of our clients were still relying on emails and phone calls to communicate with their tenants. But, as more and more businesses move into the modern age, our clients have shifted from a paper-based approach in favour of a digital one.

“Before Elogs Occupier Portal, all we had was telephones and e-mail—this meant it was difficult to try and communicate important information.”

—Lee Tanner, Guest Services Supervisor, Cushman & Wakefield

Document Management & Reporting


Before working with us, some of our clients struggled to keep track of important documentation. This was especially problematic in helping them to remain compliant and share critical documents with internal and external stakeholders.

In the past, many of these clients relied on manual processes, and the abundance of paperwork and folders made life very difficult for facilities managers. The lack of organisation took up a lot of unnecessary time and manpower, especially when it came to managing compliance. Ultimately, the systems they had in place did not allow for efficient and effective facilities management. Without FM software, our clients found the task of managing documentation and reporting extremely inefficient.

“Before we used a CAFM system, document compliance was all managed through paperwork and kept in folders. There was no structured system in place and it was hard to keep track of everything—as you might expect, this wasn’t the best way of doing things.”

—Paul Greenhalgh, Procurement & Quality Manager, CEG

Managing Planned Preventative Maintenance

Solely doing reactive maintenance without any planned maintenance activities is never going to work long term. Planned Preventative Maintenance (PPM) is needed to help your business avoid unexpected costs, improve productivity, and ensure efficiency across the board.

However, finding an effective way to manage preventative maintenance can be tricky. For many of our clients, PPM was often carried out manually before using Elogs CAFM; they generally had to rely on their contractors to have an organised PPM schedule in place. But, this was not a reliable process, as they simply had to hope that their contractors were carrying out PPM according to the correct schedule. But there was no way to chase this up or confirm that preventative maintenance was being conducted.

“We were very much in the hands of our contractors with little to no oversight of the process.”

—Paul Greenhalgh, Procurement & Quality Manager, CEG

Ensuring Quality with Fabric Maintenance Requirements

Effectively managing fabric maintenance requirements has been a challenge for many FMs. Fabric maintenance should be taken seriously by every property manager, as it can have a huge impact on the success of your business. Ensuring that your building looks and functions as it should plays a major role in keeping tenants and your investors satisfied.

With regards to fabric maintenance, one of the obstacles our clients have faced is finding reliable and qualified suppliers to carry out the work promptly. Without a system to quality-check service providers, suppliers, and contractors—our clients have struggled to address fabric maintenance jobs quickly. FM companies need to be able to check the qualifications, financial health, and performance of a supplier before deploying them to one of their buildings; but, at the same time, they also need to get suppliers out to complete the job as quickly as possible—therein lies the struggle.

What property management solutions does Elogs offer to help overcome these challenges?

Thankfully, all these common client issues were resolved with Elogs’ suite of software and facilities management products.

Elogs CAFM+ Service Desk

Arguably, one of the most important property management solutions that Elogs CAFM+ Service Desk offers for our clients is advanced document management. To manage compliance effectively, clients need to be able to keep track of and organise important documentation. The CAFM system simplifies this process because it can store all our clients’ documentation and certificates in one, easy-to-access location.

“The CAFM system has been a game changer for CEG; the whole company has just completely changed for the better.” —Paul Greenhalgh, Procurement & Quality Manager, CEG


It’s also worth noting that Elogs CAFM system is especially useful in streamlining PPM management. Our platform allows clients to create an organised maintenance schedule using the PPM planner. With the support of the service desk and the ability to log all the planned maintenance jobs, planned preventative maintenance is made simple with Elogs CAFM.

Elogs CAFM also has asset management functionality which allows the client to effectively track their assets. This helps clients to reduce the cost of maintenance, plan and budget for asset replacement, and better manage planned preventative maintenance.

“The system’s asset tracking and maintenance features have helped us optimise our asset utilisation and performance, ultimately reducing operational costs.” —Richard Stackhouse, Facilities Manager, CEG

Elogs Occupier Portal

elogs occupier portal

Elogs Occupier Portal enables our clients to enhance communication, making it easy to share critical information and keep everyone across your business informed. The system is a great solution for helping clients boost tenant engagement and satisfaction.

“The direct communication in Occupier Portal is one of the biggest selling factors for our tenants.”

—Maggie Bennett, Assistant Building Manager, Cushman & Wakefield

With the ability to manage and store important building documentation, Occupier Portal helps our existing clients report on critical information across their properties. It allows them to share required, recommended, and critical documents with their colleagues and tenants. Likewise, tenants can also share documents with the client, which improves engagement even further.

Elogs Occupier Portal provides a vast range of property management solutions, but one of the main benefits of this product is that it enhances the overall experience of a building. Occupier Portal improves user experience for tenants, facilities managers, and building users. This is particularly true for tenants who can use the Occupier Portal app to raise issues and feedback to the FM or facilities management business.

Occupier Portal is also a great solution for helping clients manage visitors with ease. It enables them to control building processes such as visitor sign ins and documentation management. With Elogs Occupier Portal everything is in one place so you can get all the information you need at a glance. The platform also allows you to print visitor passes while also letting visitors sign themselves in and out of a building. With Occupier Portal, you can know exactly which visitors are expected on site, making your visitor management process simple.

Elogs Facilities Services


In a nutshell, Elogs Facilities Services ensures that our clients’ fabric maintenance requirements are managed efficiently, cost effectively, and to the highest quality. One of our clients has even claimed that Elogs Facilities Services saves their FMs an average of eight hours per month. We take responsibility for the operational management of our clients’ fabric maintenance requirements; this means they can:

  • Save time.
  • Maximise efficiency.
  • Reduce the risk of accidents, poor workmanship, & reputational damage.
  • Enhance relationships with effective Facilities Services.

To ensure the quality of suppliers and contractors, our supply chain is made up of approved contractors who serve all areas across the UK. We approve all our contractors using our integration with Prosure360, an advanced supply chain management system. Not only that, but we can get anywhere in mainland UK within 4 hours to all critical jobs.

“Facilities Services helps us provide a better service all-round which has been noticeable in our relationships with our clients. I would definitely recommend Elogs and Facilities Services.” —Matthew Lavender, Facilities Manager, JLL

Do any of these challenges resonate with your business? If you’re looking for an easier way to drive efficiency, get in touch with us to find out what solution would work best for you!


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