This release includes:

  • Ability to export sub assets

    On the Assets screen there is now a new button for exporting a list of sub assets.

  • Jobs Improvements – Quote Value added to Job Export – Client Request

    For Jobs that originated from Quotes, the Quote Value is now included on the Job Export.

  • PPM Improvements – Asset Barcode column added to the PPM Import – Client Request

    The Asset Barcode column has been added to PPM imports. You can now add QR or barcode information to the Assets whilst uploading your PPM planner.

  • KPI Improvements – KPI Surveys to auto-submit on a set day of the month for FMs – Client Request

    KPIs have been updated so we can now specify a particular day of the reporting month before which the FMs need to accept a KPI Survey.

    When this is enabled, the KPIs will automatically submit on the specified day of the month therefore keeping the completed Survey in the correct reporting period.

    NOTE – this hasn’t been automatically applied, if you would like to apply this please speak to the Elogs contact within your organisation.

  • Job Workflow – Edit PO Button / Permission

    A new permission has been added allowing users with this permission to edit the PO number on a job. The button states ‘Add PO Number’ and clicking this button shows a modal form where they can add or edit the job PO number. After editing a note is added to the audit trail summarising what has changed.

  • KPIs – automatically submit on a set day of the month (SPs) – client request

    KPIs have been updated so we can now specify the day before which the service providers need to submit their KPI survey. When this is enabled, the KPIs will automatically submit on the specified day of the month, taking the Service providers score at that moment in time. If they have not yet started the survey, it will register 0 as the KPI score.

    NOTE – this hasn’t been automatically applied, if you would like to apply this please speak to the Elogs contact within your organisation.

  • KPIs add ability to disable N/A as an option

    An option has been added to KPI survey lines called. ‘Allow N/A’. When this option is ticked, users will not be able to specify N/A as the answer to a survey question.

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