This release includes:

  • Summary report – Jobs by site can be broken down in to planned and reactive

    The summary report has been enhanced, allowing you to view a breakdown of planned and reactive jobs split by statutory or not. This is specifically within the sites tab of the summary report. Click expand all or click the down arrow to open the section.

  • Update and Notify – Contact list for update & notify

    It is now possible to individually select secondary email addresses from the Update & Notify list of contacts. This will allow you to add additional members of your service providers such as contract managers or helpdesk users to update and notify without them having to be added specifically to the site:

  • Actions – include paperwork on raised job

    When carrying out paperwork for review or other actions, you can raise jobs from the action. You could already copy the action details to the job using this button:

    But you can also now include any files from the action with this new button:

  • Assets – filter by ID

    A simple new tool but on assets a new filter has been added so that it is now possible to search Assets by ID.

  • Files – filter by active or inactive sites

    Previously, the files page would show all files, regardless or whether the site is active or not. We’ve added a simple filter that will be active by default, to decide whether you’re looking at active or inactive sites. This is within the advanced filters section on this page:

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