This release includes:

  • PPM planner – functionality overhaul – coming early September

    In September, we’ll be launching our new and improved PPM tool as a core feature of Elogs. It will make the CAFM platform more intuitive, manageable, and effective. Here’s a teaser of what’s to come.

  • PPM planner – improved buttons

    As a user working in Generate Planner, the buttons for removing, generating and submitting weren’t straightforward. We should see clear and obvious wording on the workflow buttons to ensure we don’t send for approval the wrong tasks. Now, when selecting specific task lines we can see the count of how many are selected at point of generation / sending, with improved colours to emphasise each button.

  • System Maintenance – Make old users inactive

    As users leave our clients or their service providers we have no way of knowing they have left unless we are specifically told. This new feature will mean that any users that have not logged in during a defined period (this is bespoke per client system) will automatically be deactivated. This will ensure that those users that do fall through the net will be caught. By default this will be set to 180 days.

  • Audits – Additional filters

    Three new filters have been added to the Audits screen. These are ID, Service Provider, and Operative. The omission of these filters was a frustration when trying to locate your audits and this small tweak will be a big quality of life improvement.

  • Emails – A new job has been assigned to you

    Job details have been added to the “A new job has been assigned to you” email template. The details include, Site name & address, Job number, Reported date & time, Location, Attend SLA and Complete SLA, Summary, Reported By, and Site Contact.

    This omission previously forced you to log in to the system which isn’t always necessary.

  • Backend – Symphony upgrade

    We’ve updated the underlying web framework to the latest secure version, you will not see benefit of this from a front end point of view but this is significant development behind the scenes.

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