Preventive Planned Maintenance (PPM) is a crucial aspect of building management that ensures the efficient operation, safety, and longevity of structures in the UK. PPM planners play a vital role in scheduling and coordinating these maintenance activities.

In this article, we will explore the significance of PPM planners, the utilisation of CAFM systems, and the relevant UK legislation that governs PPM activities. We will also cover:

How do PPM Planners work?

PPM planners are responsible for developing and implementing maintenance schedules to proactively address potential issues and ensure the smooth functioning of buildings.

They meticulously plan and coordinate regular inspections, repairs, and replacements to prevent costly breakdowns and maintain compliance with legal regulations. They are a great tool for facility managers, maintenance teams, and contractors to ensure the effective execution of maintenance activities.

What is PPM maintenance in CAFM?

Computer-Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) systems have revolutionised the way PPM planners handle their responsibilities. These advanced software solutions provide a centralised platform to streamline various tasks, such as:

  • Asset management.
  • Work order generation.
  • Resource allocation.
  • Data analysis.

With CAFM systems, PPM planners can efficiently track maintenance activities, monitor asset performance, and generate comprehensive reports for better decision-making.

The integration of CAFM systems empowers PPM planners to optimise their processes, enhance productivity, and improve the overall effectiveness of PPM programs. We recently launched our new and improved PPM tool in the Elogs CAFM, allowing you to easily edit, and update planned scheduled maintenance tasks ahead of time.

What are the benefits of effective PPM management?

Managing PPM work is of paramount importance in maintaining the functionality and safety of UK buildings. There are several key benefits of effective PPM management:

Cost Reduction

Timely preventive maintenance helps prevent costly breakdowns and major repairs, resulting in significant cost savings in the long run. PPM work allows for planned expenditures and avoids the financial burden of emergency repairs.

Safety and Compliance

Regular inspections and maintenance activities ensure that buildings meet health and safety regulations, minimising the risk of accidents or hazardous conditions. Compliance with UK legislation is critical to ensure occupant safety and protect against legal liabilities.

Asset Preservation

PPM work extends the lifespan of building assets, reducing the need for premature replacements, and preserving their value. Proper maintenance practices help prevent deterioration and ensure optimum performance of equipment, systems, and infrastructure.

Operational Efficiency

Well-maintained buildings operate more efficiently, reducing energy consumption and minimising environmental impact. PPM work optimises equipment performance, leading to improved occupant comfort, productivity, and satisfaction.

How does PPM maintenance help comply with UK legislation?

UK legislation governs PPM activities to ensure the safety, compliance, and environmental sustainability of buildings. Some notable regulations include:

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 imposes a general duty of care on employers to maintain safe working conditions. PPM activities play a crucial role in ensuring compliance with this legislation by regularly inspecting and maintaining building systems, equipment, and infrastructure.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002

These regulations require employers to assess and control the risks associated with hazardous substances. PPM planners must consider COSHH requirements when managing maintenance activities involving potentially harmful materials.

Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005

This legislation focuses on fire safety measures in non-domestic premises. PPM planners must ensure that fire detection systems, emergency lighting, fire extinguishers, and other fire safety equipment undergo regular inspections and maintenance.

Energy Performance of Buildings (England and Wales) Regulations 2012

The Energy Performance of Buildings (England and Wales) Regulations 2012 aims to improve energy efficiency in buildings. This is also especially important in improving your business’ ESG score. PPM planners should consider energy-saving measures and conduct regular inspections to ensure compliance with energy performance standards.

How can PPM Planners benefits your business?

PPM planners play a critical role in maintaining the functionality, safety, and compliance of UK buildings. By utilising CAFM systems and adhering to relevant legislation, PPM planners can effectively schedule and manage preventive maintenance activities.

Through proactive planning and execution, PPM work contributes to cost reduction, asset preservation, operational efficiency, and overall building performance, ensuring a safe and sustainable built environment.

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